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Recommended Chinese Textbooks

If you want to learn Chinese, a suitable Chinese textbook is, without a doubt, necessary. Different learners have various needs, and the best textbooks are the ones that are relevant and interesting to you. One reliable method to finding good Chinese textbook is by searching for them through official Chinese institutes or publishers like Cheng&Tsui, Princeton University Press, or NCACLS (National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools). However, one drawback here is that it may be not as convenient and clear to sort through the different types of textbooks here.

So, for your convenience, DigMandarin organizes these SELECTED Chinese textbooks suitable for various learning targets. 


New Practical Chinese Reader (新实用汉语)

Tag: 6 volumes, CD, culture, grammar, pronunciation, Chinese characters, writing
Textbook Vol. 1 (Workbook Vol. 1)
(new) Vol. 1 Video Tutorial
Textbook Vol. 2 (Workbook Vol. 2)
(new) Vol. 2 Video Tutorial
Textbook Vol. 3 (Workbook Vol. 3)
(new) Vol. 3 Video Tutorial
Textbook Vol. 4 (Workbook Vol. 4)
(new) Vol. 4 Video Tutorial
Textbook Vol. 5
(new) Vol. 5 Video Tutorial
Textbook Vol. 6


Integrated Chinese (中文听说读写)

Tag: Chinese program, university of US, AP exam, workbook, character book, exercise, vocabulary, simplified version, traditional version, CD
Textbook Level 1 Part 1 (Workbook Level 1 Part 1 )
Textbook L1 P2 (Workbook L1 P2 )
Textbook L2 P1 (Workbook L2 P1 )
Textbook L2 P2 (Workbook L2 P2 )

Boya Chinese (博雅汉语)

Tag: structure – scenario – function, daily situations, discourse, grammar, MP3
Elementary 1
Elementary 2
Quasi-intermediate 1
Quasi-Intermediate 2
Intermediate 1 
Intermediate 2 
Advanced 1
Advanced 2
Advanced 3


Contemporary Chinese (当代中文)

Tag: adult-level, testing materials, supplementary reading materials
Textbook Vol.1  (Workbook Vol.1)
Textbook Vol.2  (Workbook Vol.2)
Textbook Vol.3  (Workbook Vol.3)
Textbook Vol.4  (Workbook Vol.4)

Character Book Vol. 1
Character Book Vol. 2

Popular E-books


HSK Standard Course (HSK 标准教程)

Tag: HSK 1-6, tests, textbook, workbook, teacher`s book, grammar, CD

Our courses “Chinese Made Simple” follow the HSK curriculum using the “HSK Standard Course”.


Learn Chinese with Me (跟我学汉语)

Tag: 4 volumes, teenagers, middle school, grammar, listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill, writing skill, K12, CD, beginner, low-intermediate
Textbook Vol. 1 (Workbook Vol.1)
Textbook Vol. 2 (Workbook Vol.2)
Textbook Vol. 3 (Workbook Vol.3)
Textbook Vol. 4 (Workbook Vol.4)


Kuaile Hanyu (快乐汉语)

Tag: textbook, 11-16 years old, middle school, HSK outline, beginner, intermediate, fun content, school topics, daily life topics, flash cards, wall charts, CDs
Textbook Vol. 1 (Workbook Vol.1)
Textbook Vol. 2 (Workbook Vol.2)
Textbook Vol. 3 (Workbook Vol.3)

Kuaile Hanyu Wall Charts


Chinese Made Easy for Kids (轻松学汉语)

Tag:  4 volumes, listening skill, speaking skill, topic oriented, 7 language versions, simplified version, traditional version, primary school, beginner
Textbook Vol.1 (Workbook Vol.1)
Textbook Vol.2 (Workbook Vol.2)
Textbook Vol.3 (Workbook Vol.3)
Textbook Vol.4 (Workbook Vol.4)


Chinese Paradise (汉语乐园)

Tag: textbooks, 45 language editions, elementary, children, K12, workbook, culture
Textbook Vol.1 (Workbook Vol.1)
Textbook Vol.2 (Workbook Vol.2)
Textbook Vol.3 (Workbook Vol.3)


Startup Business Chinese – 《新世纪商用汉语会话》

Tag: beginner, intermediate, Chinese dialogue, Pinyin dialogue, Vocabulary and sentence patterns, Culture points, speaking skills
Textbook Level 1
Textbook Level 2
Textbook Level 3


Business Chinese Conversation – 《经贸汉语口语》

Tag: oral, conversation, Chinese business culture, topics, university, institute, self-learning, first hand information
Elementary Book 1
Elementary Book 2
Intermediate Book 1
Intermediate Book 2
Advanced Book 1
Advanced Book 2

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