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DigMandarin Community Forums Can someone help me understanding the use of “把” please?

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    • #225

      Can someone help me understanding the use of “把” please?

      Maybe with some simple comprehensible sentences…

      Thank you!

    • #226

      把 with its object to act as an adverbial adjunct, which modifies a verb predicate. This kind of sentence places emphasis on a certain person or thing and the result or influence that it produces. The subject of a 把 sentence must be the agent of the action. The basic form of the 把 sentence is:
      Agent of the action (subject) + 把 +receiver (adverbial adjunct) + verb (predicate)

      • 把 can be used when you want to deal with or to dispose of a particular object.

      A verb in the 把 construction changes the form, situation or direction of the object. Verbs in 把 constructions are in complex forms. They are usually verbs of method of action plus other elements.


      • 把 can be used when you want to specify that the result of an action affects a particular object, but not the action itself. This is because some resultative complements have ambiguous references and can refer either to the main verb of the sentence or to the object. For instance:

      tā   hē   wán    jiŭ    le

      他  喝    完      酒   了。

      The resultative complement 完 (to complete) can refer either to the object 酒 orto the verb 喝, so the meaning of that sentence can be either “He has drunk up all the wine,” (and there is no wine left) or “He has finished drinking (the wine),” (but there is still plenty of wine left). If you use the 把 construction, the meaning is clearer:

      bă   jiŭ 

      把  酒

      hē     wán   le

      喝     完      了

      He has drunk up all the wine.

      More examples:
      我把饭吃完了。 I have eaten up all the rice.
      wǒ bǎ fàn chī wán le 

      我把灯打开。 I turn on the light. 
      wǒ bǎ dēng dǎ kāi 

    • #228


      But, concerning the last sentence for example, can you also say “我打开灯” ?

      Anyway, I think It’s quite clear, but still I have to try to use it in some sentences… 我学习汉语了,才三个月了。 我还必须努力学习!


    • #230

      Yes, “我打开灯“ also makes sense, but 把 sentence is a kind of emphatic pattern.

    • #1276

       “把” sentence,

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