I am currently going through a chinese textbook chapter about transportation. There are however some constructs I am not sure I understood very well. I would be very grateful, if someone could help me.
1. I have the sentence: “火车快到了吧?”
Is this actually rather statement asking for confirmation than a real question?
So, one would translate: “The train arrives soon?” or “The train does arrive soon?”
A real question would be: “火车快到了吗”? “Does the train arrive soon?”
Also: The “了” here indicates: The train is currently underway, has not yet arrived.
2. For trains one uses 次,for example T23 次
Are there similar words for other means for transports? Ships, busses, planes, subway
3. How would one translate:
“The bus 287 from A to B arrives at T?”
A, B are are locations, T refers to a time.
My suggestion: “从A 到B 的287 路公共汽车到T.”
4. What – 这儿有 mean?
Can one translate it with “there is” ?
For example:
Does “There is bus line 287” translate “这儿有287路公共汽车” ?