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How to “Think” in Chinese: Understanding the Differences Between 想, 觉得, 认为 and 以为

When Chinese learners reach the intermediate or advanced stage, they encounter synonyms and have to navigate the nuances between them. Differentiating between these words is crucial to improving mastery of the language. It may be difficult for learners to distinguish between similar Chinese words like “想” (xiǎng), “觉得” (juéde), “认为” (rènwéi), and “以为” (yǐwéi) without guidance, particularly when teachers say they can all be translated to “think” in English.

In this article, we will focus on these terms – as they are frequently used in expressing opinions, ideas, and feelings. Below is a brief summary of the differences between and, more importantly, the usage of the various words for “think” in Chinese. (In addition to detailed explanations about the differences between 认为 and 以为, you can also check more HSK-related grammar tutorial videos here.)­­­­­­­­

Comparison of the Verbs for “Think” in Chinese

Part of speechVerb       VerbVerbVerb
ExplanationUse “想” (xiǎng) to express your personal opinions or make subjective statements.Use “觉得” (juéde) to express your personal feelings or make subjective statements.Use “认为” (rènwéi) to express a judgment based on careful analysis and thought.Use “以为” (yǐwéi) to express a subjective judgment that is contrary to a fact.
Subjective or ObjectiveMore subjectiveMore subjectiveFairly objectiveSubjective
ToneNot quite sureNot quite sureSomewhat sureNot quite sure
Formal or notCasualCasualQuite formalCasual
DoerUsually peopleUsually peoplePeople or a certain group, in an essay, a meeting etc.Usually   people
ObjectMore focus on general things.More focus on general things.Focus on something important or scientific, or general things.More focus on general things.

Note: Another meaning of “想” is to express personal desires or plans, which is often taught at the beginning of learning Chinese.

For example:

去商店买一些水果。(Wǒ xiǎnɡ qù shānɡdiàn mǎi yìxiē shuǐɡuǒ.)
want to go to the shop to buy some fruit.

Now, let’s explore the different usages of the Chinese words for “think”.

Usage Details of “Think” in Chinese

StructurePronoun/Name of a person + 想 + other elements我想他说的是对的。(Wǒ xiǎnɡ tā shuōde shì duì de.)I think what he said is right.
Collocation1. You can use the duplicate form “想想” and quantifier complements such as “一下儿(yí xià’r)” and “一会儿(yí huì’r)”.

2. You can use the demonstrative pronouns “这样(zhèyànɡ)” or “这么(zhème)” to emphasize and replace the content after the verb “想”.
1. 让我想想。(Rànɡ wǒ xiǎnɡxianɡ.)Let me think.
让我想一下儿/一会儿。(Rànɡ wǒ xiǎnɡ yíxià’r/yí huì’r.)Let me think for a while.

2. 你怎么能这样想。(Nǐ zěnme nénɡ zhèyànɡ xiǎnɡ.)How could you think like this?
NegationYou can use “不” or “没” to negate “想”.

When using “不”, it’s common to use the phrase “不这样/这么想” to negate the present or future.

When using “没”, it’s common to use the phrase “没这样/这么想过” or the structure “没想过/到+(other elements)” to negate the past.
1.     ——我想他们不会来了。(Wǒ xiǎnɡ tāmen bú huì lái le.)I don’t think they will come.
——我不这样/这么想。他们肯定会来的。(Wǒ bú zhèyànɡ/zhème xiǎnɡ. Tāmen kěndìnɡ huì lái de.)I don’t think so. They will surely come.

2. 我没想过/到他会来参加我的生日聚会。(Wǒ méi xiǎnɡ ɡuò tā huí lái cānjiā wǒ de shēnɡrì jùhuì.)I didn’t think he would come to my birthday party.  


StructurePronoun/Name of a person + 觉得 + other elements我觉得他没错。(Wǒ juéde tā méi cuò.)I don’t think he is wrong.
CollocationYou can use “这样(zhèyànɡ)” or “这么(zhème)” to emphasize “觉得” and replace the content after the verb. To form a negative sentence, use “不这样/这么觉得”.——我觉得明天他可能会迟到。(Wǒ juéde mínɡtiān tā kěnénɡ huì chídào.)I think he will be late tomorrow.
——我不这样/这么觉得。(Wǒ bú zhèyànɡ/ zhème juéde.)I don’t think so.
NegationYou can use “不” or “没” to negate, but they have some differences in emphasis:

1. “不” is stronger than “没” and shows a higher degree of negation. “没” also implies some uncertainty in the speaker’s tone.

2. “没” is typically used to negate the past, while “不” is used to negate the present and future.
1. 我不觉得他是正确的。(Wǒ bù juéde tā shì zhènɡquè de.)I don’t think he is right.

2. 我没觉得他说的是对的。(Wǒ méi juéde tā shuōde shì duì de.)I do not think that what he said was right.

3.  ——你之前不是觉得他很帅吗?(Nǐ zhīqián bú shì juéde tā hěn shuài mɑ?)Didn’t you think he was handsome before?
——你听谁说的,我没觉得他很帅啊。(Nǐ tīnɡ shuí shuō de, wǒ méi juéde tā hěn shuài ā.) Who told you that? I did not think he was handsome.


Structure1. Pronoun/Name of a person/essay/meeting etc. + 认为 + other elements

2. 被(bèi)(……)认为……
1. 我认为这件事应该再讨论讨论。(Wǒ rènwéi zhè jiàn shì yīnɡɡāi zài tǎolùn tǎolun.)I think we should discuss this matter again.

2. 听音乐被认为是一个学习汉语的好方法之一。(Tīnɡ yīnyuè bèi rènwéi shì yíɡè xuéxí hànyǔ de hǎo fānɡfǎ zhī yī.)Listening to music is recognized as one of the best ways to study Chinese.

3.文章认为保护地球,人人有责。(Wénzhānɡ rènwéi bǎohù dìqiú, rénrén yǒu zé.)This article believes that protecting the earth is everyone’s responsibility.
Collocation1. You can use “坚决” (jiān jué) or “坚持”(jiān chí) to emphasize your opinion.

2. You can also use the demonstrative pronouns “这样” (zhèyànɡ) or “这么” (zhème) to emphasize or replace your opinion after the verb.
1. 他坚决认为公司不应该采取方案A。(Tā jiānjué rènwéi ɡōnɡsī bù yīnɡɡāi cáiqǔ fānɡ’àn A.)He insists that our firm should not follow Plan A.

2. 我不这样/这么认为。我的观点和他的正好相反。(Wǒ bú zhèyànɡ/zhème rèn wéi. Wǒ de ɡuāndiǎn hé tāde zhènɡhǎo xiānɡfǎn.)I don’t think so. My opinion is the exact opposite of his.
NegationYou can use “不” or “没” to negate.——我认为我们应该遵守经理的命令。(Wǒ rènwéi wǒmen yīnɡɡāi zūn shǒu jīnɡlǐ de mìnɡlìnɡ.)I think we should obey the manager’s orders.
——我不这样/这么认为。(Wǒ búzhèyànɡ/zhème rènwéi.)I don’t think so.


Structure1. Pronoun/Name of a person + 以为 + other elements

2. 让(rànɡ)……以为……
1. 我以为他不想去,其实他一直就想去。(Wǒ yǐwéi tā bù xiǎnɡ qù, qíshí tā yìzhí jiù xiǎnɡ qù.)I thought he didn’t want to go, but actually he had wanted to go all along.

2. 他这样做让我以为他想去中国。(Tā zhèyànɡ zuò rànɡ wǒ yǐwéi tā xiǎnɡ qù Zhōnɡɡuó.)What he did made me think that he wanted to go to China.
CollocationYou can use “还” and “一直” to emphasize “以为”, creating “还以为” (hái yǐ wéi) and “一直以为” (yìzhí yǐwéi).1. 我还以为他不会来参加我的生日聚会了呢。(Wǒ hái yǐwéi tā bú huì lái cānjiā wǒde shēnɡrì jùhuì le ne.)I thought he wouldn’t come to my birthday party, but he did.

2. 我们一直以为他是中国人,但实际上他是韩国人。(Wǒmen yìzhí yǐwéi tā shì Zhōnɡɡuó rén,dàn shíjìshànɡ tā shì Hánɡuó rén.)We always thought he was Chinese, but in fact, he is Korean.
NegationYou cannot use “不” or “没” to negate “以为”. 

Chinese learners should pay attention to the context and tone when using these words to ensure they convey their intended message effectively. Through continuous practice, learners can become more adept at distinguishing between these kinds of similar words, ultimately improving their mastery of the language.

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Cecilia He

Cecilia majored in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. She has vast experience in educating her students on how to listen to and speak Chinese, and is trained to teach HSK courses. She has mastered the method and practice of teaching the structure, historical development, and relationships of languages as an academic subject, and has also done extensive research on Intercultural Communication and Sinology.

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