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DigMandarin Community Forums Instagram Feeds For Learning Chinese \(ˆˆ)/

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    • #542

      Hi everyone! 你好!

      I find it useful to integrate pages that teaches chinese in my normal feed, so that it pops up when I’m bored and just browsing my instagram feed. 🙂

      Here are my top 3 instagram pages:

      – really good feed as it posts daily updates of chinese words in english, pinyin and character! I mainly like it because they use a really nice and simple design. Also there’s usually really interesting facts in the comments!

      – I’m sure some of you’ve come across Shaolan’s cute pictures of chinese characters before! Here feed is good with a lot of memorable pictures of the chinese characters, unfortunately I feel like it tends to show the same characters over and over, but still a really good feed!

      – also a very good feed for learning chinese! not as nice design as @learnchinesedaily, but they have a really good colour coding system to mark how “difficult” a character is.

      What is your favourite feeds for learning chinese?

      x x Beth

    • #544

      Thank you for your sharing!

    • #1118

      Here’s a new account I found. It posts Chinese slangs and stuff. Quite fun.


    • #1707

      I like @Mandarin_Mania.  They post daily and include many sample sentences in Chinese with English and pinyin. I really love their Chinese song translations too. They also have a free companion website: I am always looking for free learning tools.

    • #2095

      Rather interesting

    • #3369

      It’s wonderful that even after two years, you’re still using Instagram as a tool for learning Chinese. Your top 3 Instagram pages for language learning still sound like valuable resources.

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