I am very interested in China’s culture and would love to learn Chinese language in my spare time. However, there is no language training agency around my local resident. So I am preparing to learn it myself to see how it goes.
What the best ebook is the best in your opinion for beginners? Any input will be appreciated.
Hi there, You may go to the Amazon bookstore to buy the book “Chinese for Beginners” by M. Wond. It tells you how to let your kids watch a lot of Chinese animated cartoons without any charge. It is a very useful book. You kids would be crazy for the videos recommended therein.
For learning and remembering Chinese characters, may I also suggest the Chinese Blockbuster Series, a comprehensive and fun method to help anyone read simplified and traditional Chinese characters and pronounce them in Mandarin. The series goes beyond the ‘top few Chinese characters you need to know to get by,’ as people too often realize that they don’t get anywhere with such a limited number of characters. The Chinese Blockbuster Series is comprehensive and covers what is necessary to reach reading fluency in modern Chinese.